Volunteer work in India - Volunteer program in India

India is generally identified as an exciting and one of the most rewarding countries all around the globe, consisting of various landscapes, variety of wildlife, more importantly, the richness and diversity of various cultures, by various visitors and tourists. It is also claimed to be one of the places which deeply affect the visitors and tourists due to the starking inequities between the rich and the poor. Though the country is significant in its economic growth rapidly, more than 70% of the populations still do not have enough access to clean water, housing and other basic human needs, thus leading an impoverished life.

Here comes the Volunteer work, programs in India and community welfare organizations, trying for the betterment of people who could afford their basic needs, with an ultimate aim of reducing the starking gap between rich and poor in the country.
“Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime”
Similarly, helping an underprivileged child with proper education and development would eventually feed him for his/her life and would eventually end the poverty in his/her family.

Lakshyam NGO, a pan-Indian organization, was started in the year 2012, enhancing the lives of underprivileged children and women, alongside offering a positive direction and a healthier approach towards their life, involving holistic development of children and women empowerment.With a vision of working for economical, political and socially marginalized communities along with the implementation of customized, scalable, cost-effective and replicable models and with a mission of helping and empowering the less advantaged children and women with compassion, the organization has been spreading its joys over 3 countries and 17 states so far.

The organization, vowing to put an end to the violation of fundamental rights, especially of women and children residing in the slums of various cities of the country, empowering them through education and employment, has come up with four major programs- Butterfly, Toy Library, Rooh and Aarogya.

Butterfly is a child welfare and education program, established to provide comprehensiveassistance to impoverished children with the help of a learning program, focusing on textual and practical knowledge alongside personality development. Butterfly is a symbol of freedom – freedom from the clutches of inequality and child labour. With the children being taught languages like english and Hindi, and teaching subjects like mathematics, the program also includes the teachings of healthy habits of cleanliness, hygiene and discipline.

It is a fact that education alone cannot foster holistic development in a child, for it needs the sharing of their emotional reflection of thoughts with other others. This is where toys, books, games are crucial and come into play in a child’s development. It helps the child in exploring and understanding the world around him/her. The organisation, aiming to bring back the essence and innocence of childhood in the lives of underprivileged children, provides a safe space where the child would indulge in exploring imaginative play, which is Toy Library. Educational Toys,

Games, and Books, such as – cars, bikes, soft toys, dolls, are also provided to help the children in their growth and development.

The organization, vowing to bridge the gap created due to centuries of oppression, has come up with the program Rooh, mainly aiming at strengthening women's outward behaviour/bearing towards their life. Women are taught vocational and professional skills, as a part of the program, in order to assist them in generating self employment so that they could be financially independent, self-reliant and empowered.

The organization has also started the program Aarogya, mainly aiming to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to the underprivileged. It is always good to appreciate, acknowledge and help these kinds of volunteering organizations (Volunteer Work in India) and programs as, in fact, these programs, working morally to ultimately reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, are indirectly helping in the growth of our country, improving our human capital index.


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