

A volunteer is a person who is willingly to work and gives his time, energy to contribute to the greater good of others. The term ‘Volunteer’ is derived from French word ‘Volontaire’, which means “one who volunteer”. In the earlier times it meant to serve the country willingly in times of war. With the changing times the term has also evolved to mean and volunteer for the society.  Volunteer work, Volunteer programs in India have been going on right from the times of ancient era, and there are evident examples of some famous freedom fighters who at that time worked for women issues like sati practice, widow re-marriage, abolition of child marriage, girls education amongst other issues. The Indian society since independence have undergone tremendous changes and so the domain of volunteer work has also shifted its focus from these issues to issues like child education, empowering women by providing them opportunities to enhance their talent, environment, health and etc. Lakshyam

Social Entrepreneurship: Social Entrepreneurs in India

An entrepreneur is simply a person, who is willing to risk and start a new venture. When the word social is added to entrepreneur, it withholds non for profit activities. An social entrepreneur could be anyone, and these bought about a revolution in the world today. Social Entrepreneurs are designing, launching and running their businesses and making sure it is approved financially. Bringing the idea and making it feasible to implement. The gaps are filled with an ultimate goal of serving the needs of people. Social entrepreneurs in the aging days have mesmerized the youth in their own hype. The idea that unravels itself somewhere beyond just making money and capitalizing on every opportunity that ever existed. The word social is executed in the context of delivering a service that's is deeply associated with humanity and doing the greater good. The ideas standby the term ‘greater good’ - forming and norming a group of people who think and act in a same way. Lakshyam is