Volunteer work in India - Volunteer program in India

India is generally identified as an exciting and one of the most rewarding countries all around the globe, consisting of various landscapes, variety of wildlife, more importantly, the richness and diversity of various cultures, by various visitors and tourists. It is also claimed to be one of the places which deeply affect the visitors and tourists due to the starking inequities between the rich and the poor. Though the country is significant in its economic growth rapidly, more than 70% of the populations still do not have enough access to clean water, housing and other basic human needs, thus leading an impoverished life. Here comes the Volunteer work, programs in India and community welfare organizations, trying for the betterment of people who could afford their basic needs, with an ultimate aim of reducing the starking gap between rich and poor in the country. “Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime” Similarly, helpin...